LAWA Escalator & Elevator Upgrades Phase I
W.E. O’Neil partnered with Los Angeles World Airports on this challenging multi-phased project—considered the largest vertical construction project in…

Urban Frontier
19 acres
Repeat client Urban Frontier has entrusted our team to handle several phases of the infrastructure work required for their Verve Innovation Park project. This project has included:
Roadway Improvements to 112th Avenue and Highway 128
This project consisted of multiphase roadway improvements to 112th Avenue and Highway 128, the prerequisite work for the commencement of Verve Innovation Park. The scope of work for 112th Avenue included a new roundabout, curb and gutter, drainage improvements, paving, signing, and striping. For Highway 128, our team performed roadway widening; earthwork; drainage improvements; curb and gutter; paving, signing, and striping; and traffic signal upgrades at El Dorado and Highway 128 (all work performed in CDOT ROW under CDOT supervision).
Filing No. 3: Verve Commerce Center Prerequisite Work
Verve Innovation Park Filing No. 3 project scope of work includes earthwork, site utilities including re-routing of sanitary and re-use water, construction of a large detention pond, sidewalk, curb and gutter, and site lighting.
Filing No. 4: Simms Realignment – infrastructure work for commercial land developement adjacent to Rocky Mountain Airport
Another Verve Innovation Park project involved significant grading changes and utility relocations to re-align Simms Street within Verve Innovation Park. With an elevation difference of almost 20 feet between the old road and the new one, our team completed the grading changes, demolishing the old utilities, installing new utilities, demolishing the old roadway, paving the new roadway, and installing all new signs and roadway infrastructure. The project features a three-lane road, enhanced streetscape, additional intersection capacity, and new parks and trails.