Port of Long Beach Pier E Auxiliary Maintenance Buildings
Working with a repeat client, the City of Long Beach, W.E. O’Neil completed the Auxiliary Maintenance Building project which provided much-needed space…

City of Long Beach, Port of Long Beach
8 Months
14,362 SF
This new, single story, 14,362 SF, pre-engineered steel frame Battery Exchange Building was built on a 0.8 acre site. Project scope included a terminal vehicle parking lot used by the adjacent Power Crane Maintenance Shop (also built by W.E. O’Neil).
Site improvements included grading, paving and fencing at the adjacent container yard. Site utilities included water, gas, sewer, storm drain, building exterior lighting, and underground electrical and communications duct banks. The 54’ metal skin structure has high bay access doors, an equipment mezzanine, and a fire pump room.
W.E. O’Neil provided ground improvements for this 3’6” building concrete mat slab with concrete pits to accommodate equipment and support racks. W.E. O’Neil also coordinated with the contractor who installed all of the equipment racks within the building after turnover. The use of BIM on the project was a valuable tool in laying out the anchor bolts for the owner-provided BES Rack system, keeping the project on schedule and well-coordinated.
This project was awarded the “Outstanding Energy Project 2015” from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch. Construction Management services for this project were provided by Port staff and consultant staff from Arcadis. The project achieved LEED Silver certification.