St. Rita’s Parish School Improvements
Serving preschool through 8th grade, St. Rita’s is a school immersed in the Catholic faith, providing families educational opportunities in a private…

Robertson County Schools
15 months
31,312 SF
A 31,312 SF single-story free-standing addition, this project added classrooms and an auditorium to the existing facility at Greenbrier Middle School, a Robertson County School. The 379-seat auditorium features a lobby, two dressing areas, and a control room for students to learn the technological aspects of performances. The classroom hall is made of 11 learning spaces, two sets of bathrooms for students, a teacher workroom, and an administrative office.
Completed on-time and on-schedule, the project consists of shallow foundations, slab-on-grade, and joist/deck on load-bearing concrete masonry unit walls. The exterior is modular brick veneer with an EPDM roof, and the interior walls are concrete masonry units with limited drywall sound partitions and soffits. The addition’s ceilings are primarily grid and acoustical ceiling tile, and the flooring is primarily VCT throughout the addition.